Thursday, March 11, 2021

Concept Mapping




When new knowledge is integrated with and connected to existing knowledge that new knowledge is easier to understand and to remember. A professors job is to build scaffolding from existing knowledge on which to hang incoming new knowledge. Using a concept map is one way to build that scaffolding. A concept map is a visual organization and representation of knowledge. It shows concepts and ideas and the relationships among them. One can create a concept map by writing key words (sometimes enclosed in shapes such as circles, boxes, triangles, etc.) and then drawing arrows between the ideas that are related.


Concept mapping (CM) is a teaching and learning strategy that establishes a bridge between how people learn knowledge and sensible learning. Students need to have sufficient foundation and a critical thinking about CM and the relations between different concepts. Concept mapping promises to be useful in enhancing meaningful learning and students conceptual understanding. Concept mapping helps meaningful learning in several ways. It is an activity that provides the student with an opportunity to organize, summarize, analyze and evaluate many different ideas. Thus, it promotes the development of critical thinking skills, which can then be used for other meaningful learning activities.


This assignment contains a concept map for Plus One and Plus Two students, based on the units, Beyond the Horizon and Heights of Harmony  respectively.



 The process of concept mapping involves three major steps:


·         Step 1: List key concepts/terms related to the topic


·         Step 2: Build up concepts to elaborate key concepts


·         Step 3: Identify links between concepts


The units taken for concept mapping were Glimpses of Greatness and Flights of Freedom. The former unit contains 4 chapters, which includes a speech, a poem, a story and a biography. The latter unit contains 4 chapters, which includes a speech, a poem, a story and an anecdote. At the outset, key concepts and themes related to the topics, confidence, uniqueness women empowerment and freedom were enumerated. Each chapter contained sub themes too, like manhood, leadership, emancipation of women, freedom, education, equity etc. These concepts were listed down. Links were identified between these concepts and appropriate activities that could be given, while dealing with each chapter was given. Keeping all these in mind, an outline was created and based on the outline, the concept map was drafted.



There are several benefits of using concept maps. A concept map:


·         Helps visual learners grasp the material (however all learners benefit from the activity)


·         Helps students see relationships between ideas, concepts, or authors


·         Utilizes the full range of the left and right hemispheres of the brain


·         Helps memory recall


·         Helps to clarify and structure ideas

·         Aids in developing higher-level thinking skills (create, analyze, evaluate)


·         Helps students synthesize and integrate information, ideas and concepts


·         Encourages students to think creatively about the subject


·         Lets students do self-evaluation of beliefs, values, socialization, etc.


·         Helps students evaluate assumptions.










I.                             Topic: beyond the Horizon


Key Concepts, Sub themes and Activities      :


 1. Sunrise on the Hills (a poem)

a)                 Travel is an eye opener


b)                Refreshing snapshots for life


i)         Read and respond

ii)       Read and Reflect

iii)      Appreciation



2.  The Trip of Le Horla (a short story)


a)        Be unique  and trip in balloon


b)       Be successful


i)         Think and respond


ii)       Live TV report


iii)      Comparison


iv)      Narration

3. The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu (a Fijian Legend)

a)                 Strange Practices


b)                Leadership


i)         Debate


ii)       Write up


iii)      Travel Brochure


 II.                            TOPIC : HEIGHTS OF HARMONY - UNIT 2


Key Concepts, Sub themes and Activities      :


1.                 Mending wall (poem)

                Fraternity, Tolerance


a)                 Harmonious living

 Paragraph writing




2.  Amigo Brothers (story)


c)        Freedom, fraternity


d)       Bond between friends


Analysis of the theme of the story


i)                   Write up


ii)                 Debate


iii)               Making announcement


3.  The Hour of Truth (Play)


c)                 Importance of truth


d)                Truth prevails the end


i)                   Analysis


ii)                 Language practice


iii)               Structural Items



 The unit Beyond the Horizon, Travel, for Ulysses, the speaker of Tennyson's poem, is the means to satisfy his unquenchable thirst for knowledge. With his unflinching determination, ‘to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield’ he intends to go beyond horizons of knowledge and experience. In the modern world the amenities of travel have improved and the opportunities of travel have increased tremendously.

The unit focuses on travel and the diverse experience it provides. It takes the learners through different facets of travel, such as an adoration of natural beauty, a craving for adventure and an exploration of new cultures, customs and traditions.

It comprises:

Sunrise on the Hills (a poem)

The Trip of Le Horla (a short story)

The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu (a Fijian Legend)

The unit Heights of Harmony comprises a poem “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost, a story “Amigo Brothers” by Piri Thomas, and a one-act play “The Hour of Truth” by Percival Wilde. There are certain qualities and principles that are essential to maintain the social fabric of human relations. Like the grains of sand on the seashore, each individual must learn to co-exist with others. Thereby we reach the heights of harmony. These texts have been linked thematically and the activities presented are to ensure smooth reading and to help the learners improve their language proficiency. They will also enable the learners to enhance their skills in literary appreciation. The play helps the learners to get acquainted with plot construction, characterization, along with dramatics like acting, stage setting, stage management, etc.

The names of the authors and appropriate pictures were added for more clarity. The genres of chapters were linked. Suitable activities, related to the chapters were connected, to make things easier. Varieties of activities are provided to enhance vocabulary, speaking skills as well as writing skills.

1.      Mending Wall

2.       Amigo Brothers

3.       The Hour of Truth



The concept map, based on the units, Glimpses of Greatness and Flights of Freedom, contains detailed information on the key concepts, sub themes and activities. The map is prepared in Visme, which is an online design software. The concept map can help students as well as teachers grasp the material along with the links and connections. It can help visual learners to understand the concept easily. It can help students see the “big-picture” and visualize relationships. It will help those process and store large amounts of information.



·         Bryan Bradley. “Concept Mapping.” Concept Mapping | CENTER FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING,

·         Farah Najam et al. “Concept Maps: Classroom Strategy.” Reading Rockets, 3 Jan.











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